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Other Ways to Celebrate

September 26, 2011

Sample Activities
Besides participating in CAREDAYS, there are countless ways to celebrate Companies That Care Day. In recent years, organizations have celebrated by:

  • Sending notes from senior management to employees expressing their appreciation for employee efforts
  • Providing on-site massages for all staff
  • Holding employee-wide meetings
  • Publicizing the organization’s commitment to employees and the community via banners and shirts
  • Providing employees an opportunity to recognize each other by sending “caregrams”
  • Providing an appreciation lunch for all employees
  • Holding a drawing and giving “care packages” to the winners
  • Making a donation to groups supporting the medically uninsured

Some other possibilities include:

  • Communicate the Companies That Care Statement of Commitment:

We believe that our employees and the community are important to our success. Therefore, we are committed to

1) providing a workplace in which employees can thrive and 2) working to sustain and strengthen our community.

  • Conduct focus groups to determine what employees perceive they are recognized for and what they want to be recognized for
  • Hang banners and posters throughout the building to commemorate the Day
  • Hold an ice cream social to recognize vendors that care
  • Have managers spend the day in training courses to hone their people skills
  • Establish an anonymous hotline for employees to report ethics violations
  • Hold a volunteer fair to highlight all the volunteer opportunities within the community

Resources to Celebrate Companies That Care Day
Center for Companies That Care can provide a range of ideas and materials you can customize to implement your own Companies That Care Day theme at your company. Please contact Center for Companies That Care at or 312-661-1010 if you are interested in any of the following:

  • Fundraising ideas
  • Sample CEO talking points about why it’s important to be a company that cares and Companies That Care Day
  • Sample employee e-mail announcements
  • Sample press release for media about your organization’s participation in the Day
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