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Desmond Cain
Desmond Cain
AIM High Class of 2021,
Georgetown University graduate,
Program Administrator, BTS
students with mentors
Cynthia Cobb
Director of Communications and Engagement, United Services

We Create Opportunities

Every day, Companies That Care works with students, families, employers, employees, schools, and individuals to create life-changing opportunities.

Opportunities for under-resourced students to get to and through college and pursue the careers of their dreams.

Opportunities for neurodiverse students to get the support they need to succeed in college and the workplace.

Opportunities for employers and their employees to build socially responsible cultures and actively support life- and community-changing initiatives.

Our Impact

Students who participate in our programs complete college at 3x the rate of their peers. But these numbers tell only part of the story.

For our graduates, college is a steppingstone to fulfilling careers and an investment in a better future for all. Well-prepared and eager to serve as mentors and leaders themselves, they become influential agents of change in their companies and their communities.

Do Something That Matters

Together, we can create opportunities that change lives.

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