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General Sponsorship Opportunities

September 15, 2011

Center for Companies That Care is sustained by contributions from businesses, individuals and foundations that share our mission. Please consider becoming a sponsor.

Sustaining Sponsor – $25,000 and above

  • Participate on Advisory Board and Exchange Steering Committee
  • 10-year waiver of fees for Exchange and Honor Roll application
  • Seal for your website and marketing materials
  • Listed on Center for Companies That Care website
  • Recognition in Center for Companies That Care materials
  • One day of free consulting from a Companies That Care Founder

Founding Sponsor

  • Same benefits as Sustaining Sponsor, but opportunity only available when Center for Companies That Care launches in a new city

Friend – $10,000

  • Participate on Advisory Board and Exchange Steering Committee
  • 2-year waiver of fees for Exchange and Honor Roll application
  • Seal for your website and marketing materials
  • Recognition in Center for Companies That Care materials
  • Listed on Center for Companies That Care website

Supporter – beginning at $1000

  • Customized sponsorship packages with corresponding benefits

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities include:

  • Companies That Care Day Sponsor (includes free Starter Kit and targeted media)
  • Speaker Honoraries
  • Host a Stepping Stones Seminar
  • Printing sponsor
  • Creative ideas that you propose…
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