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Donate to 2018 Annual Campaign

December 7, 2018

The AIM High program was created in 2006 to address the dismal college graduation rates among Chicago Public School students.  It is the first Chicago-based program focused on college graduation.  Over time, as we gained a better understanding of the variety of challenges facing underserved youth, the program expanded to provide the wrap-around support students need in order to overcome the landmines that explode on their journey through college.

Click here to DONATE.


AIM High Students and their Village Encourage You to Sustain the AIM High Program

Click here to hear from AIM High students about why this program is valuable to them.

Click here to read why volunteers invest their time to support AIM High students. 

Click here for a message from Board Chair, Darrin Greene.

Click here to see a teacher’s confidence in his AIM High students.


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